Now that I have given you a tip for painting (see August 2008) I thought I’d give you a yard tip.
When working with flower beds, don’t bother with ‘weed block fabric’. That stuff sucks! Sure, it will block some grass/weeds from growing but it all in all it won’t last and you STILL get some weeds growing through.
If you do have some flowerbeds and you need to stop weeds from growing in them use…
Roofing Underlayment! It’s also called Felt Paper. It’s about 20 bucks for a large roll of it. It’s a solid felt material that will block out everything!
Now I am not just giving you some advice I heard. I have tried it. I have a flower bed with 50% weed block fabric and 50% felt paper. I have little to no weeds with the felt paper side and a crap load of weeds with the so called ‘weed block fabric’.
It really does do the trick and keeps my flower beds easy to upkeep. Ok, no go abck to porn surfing…