Monday Thoughts

  • So people are getting bent out of shape that DC Comic’s Batman has picked a Muslim French dude to be his Crime Fighter in France. Hello?!?!?! This is a comic book. I’m not sure who to gripe at more, the writers for trying to make it too real or the fans/opponents who need to realize its a freaking comic book.
  • There was a Alpha male cat battle outside last night. The old wild cat is out and a new one is now the master. This new one is better because he will let you pet him (I guess he is not that wild).
  • My camera is goofed up and I can’t export the video out. I will need to send it in for repairs I guess.
  • This coming weekend is the toy show in Dallas I am setting up at. I hope I sell something.
  • Have I ever told you EBay is a rip off? Sellers get triple dipped. They pay for inserting auctions, then they get a percent of the final price, then they get part of the payment because of PayPal (which EBay owns). For Selling a thirty dollar item I wind up paying about four dollars. When my profit is less than double that its hardly worth it.
Author: nate555

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