- So Obama states that the congressional Republicans are trying to ‘gain political points’ by their massive government cut backs to take care of the defecit… Really? How STUPID can you get??? No one is popular by cutting that much of the government’s services. Its called being responsible…
- Do you think your creditors/banks would allow you to run your finances and pay your bills in the same way the governement handles its finances and not put you in jail?
- I HAVE to handle my finances responsibly… why doesn’t the government have to?
- How can anyone be aganist our government acting responsibly?
- I know how… its probably those who have something to gain from government handouts.
- The Democrats are pulling out their USUAL weapon when they are not getting thier way… FEARMONGERING…
Pelosi calls GOP plan ‘war on women’…
Dem: Shutdown ‘equivalent of bombing innocent civilians’…
Jesse Jackson compares to Civil War…
- Sorry I was on my soapbox.
- I started filling up the pool for it’s yearly runnning. It won’t be swimable until late May though (too cold).
- I also did the first weed eating of the year… so it begins.