- Today is Star Wars Day. Happy Star Wars Day!
- There are 2 phrases/words that I have picked up from programmers over they years I have worked in IT… one is ‘fat fingering’ (that’s where you mistype a password) and the other is calling the ‘*’ character a splat (not an asterisk).
- I got some furniture that was handed down to me in place yesterday and turned a china cabinet into a nifty book case. It looks great!
- I have signed up for the HITECH Program at Midland University in the Government mandated ‘Hospital Meaningful Use’ training. It’s a bunch of new Governemnt regs in the electronic transfer of patient data across the US. And no, this was pre-Obama.The refund I will get for the education is Obama however.
- I have one point about the whole: Obama gives the order to kill (rathern than capture) Osama. Where are all the demonstators? If this had happened under Bush’s term there would be people screaming for him to be tried for murder (or in the least authorizing it). Where is the UN’s war crimes tribunal? The man admitted he ordered the death of Osama…

I saw this Titan Toys in Ridgmar Mall this last weekend. That store is super crappy. It’s like something from Trader’s Village.