- The Fort Worth Library thought it was a good idea to make people check out media inside the media room. So you NOW have to stand in 2 lines at the library… way to go government!
- Northpark mall is a beat down… too many people.
- Saw Super 8 this weekend. I think it was JJ Abram’s attempt to remake ET.
- I wrote a long post about the economy and the nation’s debt issue. You can read it but it basically comes down to this: if YOU have debt you need to rid of, YOU cut back, right? Why can’t the government do the same?
- We are getting gutters this week. I need to so some ‘pre gutter work’ before hand. I am guessing I will be doing this at dusk since it’s FREAKNIG HOT.

Well, civilization is over. There is a magazine called ‘ass’ now…