Wednesday Thoughts
Today is Star Wars Day. Happy Star Wars Day! There are 2 phrases/words that I have picked up from programmers…
Tuesday Thoughts
I watched Pufnstuf (the 1970 movie) on YouTube… what a trip. Yesterday’s weather was miserable. I am hoping for a…
Rainy Day Monday Thoughts
I find it funny how the pacifist is practically solely responsible for the death of Osama. Didn’t he badmouth and…
Friday Thoughts
Chris finally came over last night (its been like 2 months!). We played several games of NetRunner. We had to…
Thursday’s Thoughts
After hearing the bad economy news yesterday it seems the crafty White House planned the whole birth certificate reveal to…
Wednesday Thoughts
Why is it that when ANYONE says or does ANYTHING that is contrary to the President he says they are playing politics?…
Tuesday Thoughts
Ready for another day of tornados… bring them on! I had some ‘dry milk’ last night. We prepared it the day…
Monday Thoughts
I finally got electricity down to my shed yesterday with the help of my Father in law. That turned out…
Thursday Stuff
Went to the Dallas Zoo yesterday via the TRE and DART. Panhandled no less than twice. I love Dallas! The…
Wednesday Thoughts
Why did the President get a $12,000 tax refund? Shouldn’t he automatically give that money back to the government? Have…