- I was on call for work last week… hence no posts cause I was too exhausted with lack of sleep. Oh well, it paid the mortgage for next month.
- I hit a dear heading into work Saturday night (I was heading into work, not the dear).
- I tagged it’s rear so I don’t know if I killed it right away or if it died later or is just limping.
- I feel bad about it.
- I have been organizing my PC files. I think I will ‘downgrade’ to XP. I have too many programs that don’t work right on Windows 7.
- I remember having ‘upgrade issues’ when I had to move to Windows 95 from Windows 3.11.
- At some point I will ‘just need to let go’.
- I swear EVERYONE has to be out shopping all day everyday during the month of December.
- We are heading out to Colorado to visit family for Christmas on Wednesday. 12 Hours of fun driving… NOT.
- The ONLY thing I dread about it is icy road conditions.
- I watched District 9 and I really liked it (I didn’t think I would).
- I am now watching The Last Airbender.
- I consider myself an Airbender (after one too many Taco Bell bean burritos).