- Septic is full. You have poo??? Call Ledoo!
- Listened to Prairie Home Companion yesterday. Just because you can get on the radio and sing DOES NOT mean you should… sorry Garrison. Either that or get a auto-tuner.
- Yesterday I saw at least 10 4-wheelers on the back of trucks going and coming on 287.
- I don’t care for their parent company but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Rosa’s Cafe (off 35 at Western Center).
- I replaced that toilet was moaning about last week. It lived up to it’s unpleasantness.
- Chased a possum off the back porch last night. I’m sure they are under the house tearing it up again.
- I love lists (as I have said before) but I can’t stand the list you see on websites like: 10 of the best custom homes, 15 of the worst mid-air accidents, etc… I guess they make these list so people will know they will be quick and easy to look at (in our ‘I want it now’ society).
- You know that most gas stations don’t make money off their gas, they make money off the crap in their stores. Well think about QT, they must be making a killing!
- I finished Transformers 2 and Star Trek and I will post reviews later.