#1 ‘Nathan’ – That’s obvious.
#2 ‘Games’ – My website had a whole lot of games listed (video and board).
#3 ‘Front’ – This refers to Front Mission; the game I had a huge page devoted to.
#4 ‘Cast’ – This is referring to the Cast and Crew section of my Robotech fan page.
#5 ‘Mission’ – See #3 above
#6 ‘Dragon’ – The forwarding page was to my new homepage: DragonOfTheBlackPool.com
#7 ‘Robotech’ – I had a huge fan page for robotech.
#8 ‘Red’ – I had a Red Dwarf page.#9 ‘Shell’ – I had a section that talked about Ghost in the Shell (the animation).
#10 ‘Die’ – This is referring to Dice (the singular).
#11 ‘Macross’ – I talked about Macross while talking about Robotech.
#12 ‘Pinball’ – I had a page about my Hook Pinball machine.
#13 ‘Ball’ – See #12
It’s strange to see all this stuff about yourself all deconstructed, taken out of context, and used by someone else to make money.