The catch up post…
It’s been a while, eh? Strangely not much has changed since my last post (of un-substance) back a little more than a year ago. Even then, that post didn’t say much other than monkey’s are cool. Here is what has happened:
- Finished up some botched oral surgery pain (thank goodness for steroids)!
- Went to Disneyland last May.
- Visited family in Denver in July.
- Had a Kickstarter for a Zombie game Chris and I made (it failed).
- Went to Disney World October (I’m still working on a recap post on my AccordingToWhim blog.
- Got irritated at how Blogger is messing up my post formatting.
- Got a promotion at work and started working in Fort Worth.
- Got another promotion at work and moved back to working in Decatur.
- Started a vending machine business.
- Got so irritated at the Dallas Comicon people (my 2nd biggest set of events for my business) that I swore them off completely and don’t do their shows anymore.
- Chris and I did several shows for the business through out the first of the year but they ALL stunk (except AnimeFest). We have abandoned the idea of doing tons of shows (since we loose money). We did have nice trip to Arkansas for a couple of shows though.
- Started using a Wells Fargo Mortgage Rewards credit card for ALL my needs (and have nicely racked up some mortgage credits).
- Took my mom along with us to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags last year. First time she has been there in… idk, 30 years?
- I started collecting (digitally) all the Disney Park audio. It’s become an obsession!
I’m sure there was tons of other little things but those were the biggies.