Wednesday Thoughts

  • Yep, it’s Halloween time.. that means you have to watch this bit of GREATNESS!
  • I am 99.9% sure that the delay in California’s jobs numbers (right after the 2nd Presidential debate) was totally rigged.
  • I am 99.9% sure that the jobs numbers will be delayed again on Friday because of the storm.
  • That with the magic reduction in the price of gas leads me to believe that this election is totally rigged.
  • I remember saying that Obama was campaigning like he was a candidate and not an incumbent and it STILL appears that way.
  • So now according to the major polling companies (Rasmussen and Gallup) Romney is in the lead. Just last week the left was touting these polls as being a true representation of how the election would play out. I wonder what they think now?
  • Now on to darker thoughts…
  • If Obama is re-elected I am confident that the Federal Government will collapse in on itself through over spending. I don’t see this as effecting the states all that much. I for one will be looking forward to this. Perhaps we can put things right and be responsible and put Government in it’s rightful place.
Author: nate555

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