Wednesday Thoughts

I used the tractor the contractor left at my house last night… oops. I had some Ebay buyer troubles this…

Monday Thoughts

Remember my last post when I talked about how much reporters love disasters? Have you been watching the Japan coverage?…

Tuesday Thoughts

Did you know that in 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed the private ownership of gold because of the Great…

Wednesday Thoughts

My truck looks to be giving out finally. Time to shop for a new one and put up with all…

Friday Thoughts

Can you believe that Obama staffer won Mayor of Chicago? The guy didn’t even live there, who can he possibly…

Monday Thoughts

I read that the average Wisconsin teacher makes $100,000 a year… Those guys need to STFU and deal with it!…

Friday Thoughts

Why are most Sci-fi TV shirts no larger than 1X is size? Hello?! I doubt that would fit 1/2 of…

Monday Thougths

Went to Austin this weekend, land of ‘look at me’ weirdos and inconsiderate drivers. Instead of sand to grit the…

Monday Thoughts

Wow. I was trapped at home for 4 days… work seems awfuly nice right now. My PTO took a nasty…

Monday Thoughts

I set up at the Sci-Fi convention this weekend in Plano (for a 3rd time). Still no real luck. No…