Tag: decatur

Monday Thoughts

I’m looking but I don’t see any Cyber Monday deals that are all that great. I just finished Cheech and…

Monday Thoughts

We are moved now. My favorite motto is: ‘A place for everything and everything in it’s place.’ Its so nice…

Friday Thoughts

Why is the government interfering with Arizona law? Why would ANY law abiding citizen be against removing illegals? They aren’t…

Wednesday Thoughts

I got ahold of a Donkey Kong arcade machine Tuesday. I will see if it works. If not, I will…

Monday Thoughts

So, in the ObamaCare health bill… if you purchase more than $600 worth of bullion (gold, silver, etc) you have…

Wednesday Thoughts

Well, after much work it looks like my riding lawnmower is for the graveyard. I just don’t know enough more…

Wednesday Thoughts

Our hedgehog died last night. They don’t live very long. She died at the ripe old age of 3. There…

Monday Thoughts

This weekend was ‘annoy your neighbors with your ATVs’ weekend. This weekend was also ‘shop till you drop to honor…

Wednesday Thoughts

The data recovery place says the hard drive is unrecoverable. I am calling bullshit on that. I am sending it…

Thursday Thoughts

I was watching Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Stone. You can visibly see Harry age from scene. It’s distracting. The…