Tag: obama
Whatever your opinion… there is still hope for this nation
So Trump won. Hurray for the little guy! Why do I say that? I’ll tell you why… This election still…
Monday Thoughts
There is this story about 10,000 Chinese student performing kungfu all at the same time as one of China’s programs…
Wednesday Thoughts
Today is Star Wars Day. Happy Star Wars Day! There are 2 phrases/words that I have picked up from programmers…
Wednesday Thoughts
Why is it that when ANYONE says or does ANYTHING that is contrary to the President he says they are playing politics?…
Tuesday Thoughts
Ready for another day of tornados… bring them on! I had some ‘dry milk’ last night. We prepared it the day…
Monday Thoughts
Remember my last post when I talked about how much reporters love disasters? Have you been watching the Japan coverage?…
Monday Thoughts
So, in the ObamaCare health bill… if you purchase more than $600 worth of bullion (gold, silver, etc) you have…
Friday Thoughts
Doesn’t the estate tax just seem obscene? You work all your life to acquire wealth and the government feels it…
Friday Thoughts
I feel Obama might be the first president that isn’t *for* America. He seems more interested in changing things that…
Wednesday Thoughts
Our hedgehog died last night. They don’t live very long. She died at the ripe old age of 3. There…