Tag: new fairview

Monday Thoughts

I finally got electricity down to my shed yesterday with the help of my Father in law. That turned out…

Thursday Thoughts

New Fairview is still trashy (did you think I’d tell you differently)? I would love to put signs up all…

Wednesday Thoughts

Why are there always lines at the WalMart gas pumps? It’s like a 4 star restaurant… I know it ain’t…

Monday Thoughts

Stayed the night at WinStar (or should I say LoseStar) again. Nothing new to report, my luck still stinks. I…

Wednesday Thoughts

I think the reason I am more conservative and want less government is because of this: What would happen if…

Friday Memory Dump

I saw someone sprinting from the hospital yesterday and someone chasing them, then 2 sheriff’s vehicles show up soon afterwards……