Tag: texas

Wednesday Thoughts

Well, after much work it looks like my riding lawnmower is for the graveyard. I just don’t know enough more…

Monday Thoughts

This weekend was ‘annoy your neighbors with your ATVs’ weekend. This weekend was also ‘shop till you drop to honor…

Wednesday Thoughts

The data recovery place says the hard drive is unrecoverable. I am calling bullshit on that. I am sending it…

Thursday Thoughts

I was watching Harry Potter and the Sorcer’s Stone. You can visibly see Harry age from scene. It’s distracting. The…

Wednesday Thoughts

We were supposed to have snow yesterday but it hit South of here. That makes me happy. The yard is…

Wednesday Thoughts

There is still snow is spots here and there. A reminder of the madness. I figured out that I like…

Monday Thoughts

I don’t ever remember snow this deep. Apparently it has never been this deep. The Global Warming nuts say the…

Wednesday Thoughts

Why are there always lines at the WalMart gas pumps? It’s like a 4 star restaurant… I know it ain’t…

Monday Thoughts

Stayed the night at WinStar (or should I say LoseStar) again. Nothing new to report, my luck still stinks. I…

Tuesday Thoughts

The Settlers of Catan is a fantastic board game that is easy to play. You should try it out if…